Saturday, June 2, 2018

Dis-History "Recieved"

One of the interesting things about publishing a book is that eventually it gets reviewed. This could be on websites (like Amazon) or it could be (if you are an academic) in journals. That being said, institutions that offer reviews always receive more books than they have space to review.  Sometimes, journals opt to just list those books.  Other times, they might provide readers an abstract.  I'm very pleased that Children's Literature Association Quarterly, in its Summer 2018 edition (page 202), has published the following about Dis-History:

Dis-History: Uses of the Past in Walt Disney's Worlds. By Jason Lantzer. New York: Theme Park Press, 2017.

A history professor at Butler University, Jason Lantzer looks at the Disney theme parks through the lens of public history. Lantzer discusses how the narrative elements in these parks combine to tell an idealized story of America's history, and how they have shaped contemporary American culture by cultivating a nostalgic desire to return to a past that never actually existed.

My thanks to CLAQ for being the first (as far as I know) to include Dis-History in the discussion!

And, while I've got you here, let me announce here that while I continue work on my Eisenhower and the Holocaust project, I have agreed, in principle, to write a sequel to Dis-History, with a focus on Universal Studios!  Indeed, I've already completed a research trip down to Florida.  There is more to come on both of these projects!

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