Monday, December 10, 2018

The Public Historian Review of Dis-History

It was a very nice surprise this afternoon to find notification that Dis-History has been reviewed by The Public Historian. For those of you not familiar with The Public Historian, it is the premier academic journal for public history practitioners. One of the key arguments I advanced in Dis-History was that Walt Disney was a public historian (of a kind) and utilized the past in helping form and advance a version of American culture. As such, it was a real honor for me to have Dis-History reviewed in the journal that is such a part of the public historian's craft.

The review concludes with the following line:
"All in all, this book should appeal to Disney scholars, public historians, and anyone who is interested in the significance of theme parks."

The review can be found in the November 2018 issue of The Public Historian.  My thanks to the journal and to the reviewer!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Indiana Holiday Authors Fair

A week ago for the second year in a row, I had the good fortune to take part in the Indiana Historical Society's annual authors fair. All Saturday afternoon, I got to meet with the book buying public, talk about Rebel Bulldog, and even sell some books!  One result was being asked to give a talk about the Davidson family in their neighborhood at some point in 2019.  Another was being included in the Indianapolis Star's list of books the public should consider buying!  You can see the complete list here.

This year has been an exciting one, and I'm very much look forward to where next year will take me.